Sharon moved in with Jack Palance? According to a director of one of her early films. Here is where the comment comes from and what exactly was said:
From: JUST TELL ME WHEN TO CRY by Richard Fleischer
(The director is talking about the film "Barabbas" in his autobiography:) Trying to use the huge crowd to its best advantage, I decided to jump out of continuity and shoot the end of the gladiatorial battle between Quinn and our chief villain, Jack Palace, where Tony is victorious and the crowd calls for Palance's death. Nine thousand people screaming, with their thumbs down! What a shot! The result was unexpected. When the crowd saw Tony, in response to their thumbs-down gesture, kill Palance, they cheered, got up, and started to leave the arena. All nine thousand of them. They thought the show was over! It took an hour to get them stopped and headed back to their seats.
On the second day of shooting we were working closer to the crowd and I could scrutinize it. I was looking for good character faces I could feature in various reaction shots. There were some excellent types, but one face truly stood out, that of an eighteen-year-old girl of stunning beauty. She was gorgeous. A knockout. I pointed her out to my assistant and told him I wanted her in every close shot I could possibly use her in. And I asked him to find out who she was and where she came from. It turned out she was the daughter of an officer at the U.S. military base in Vincenza.
It wasn't too long before Jack Palance also spotted her. And it wasn't too much longer that she moved in with him. Her name was Sharon Tate.
*I think that Fleischer is telling what he thinks to be the truth, the only thing is: I don't think the Tates would have let Sharon move in with Palance at such a young age. They were still very protective of her at this time. And while, I know Palance went out with her and even got her a screen test at the time, I have never heard from anyone else that they actually moved in together. Any thoughts?
Here are some more rare photos from 'Tess', Polanski's film dedicated to Sharon:

Rare memorabilia of Sharon on the back cover of the novel version of "The Wrecking Crew":
Would you like to share your thoughts about Polanski's masterpiece, 'Chinatown?' :
How well is Polanski's latest film doing? Apparantly quite good. Most critics love it, Polanski won Best Director at the recent Berlin Film Festival for it and it is doing well at the box office: This weekend, the political thriller had the highest per screen average by far at the US box office: $45,752 at four theaters in New York and Los Angeles, for a total of $183,009 according to Box Office Mojo.

Here is an article where Roman talks about winning the Berlin Award:
I have the doll/statue pictured. I bought it off of ebay last year. It was created by artist alan jong. As far as i know it is one of a kind. It is one of my prize sharon collectables for sure.